Beards for Bob!

So Gaz had an idea….

How about a bunch of Bob-loving guys decided to grow beards?

How about those same guys got sponsored to do so?

And they raised money for Cancer Research UK?
And they had a mass shave-off to coincide with the anniversary of Bob’s birthday?

Complete with progress pictures, shearing party, online sponsorship (
If this sounds like the sort of thing you’d like to be involved in, get commenting and we’ll put together a fundraising beard-wearing...

B.A.Q. (Beardly Asked Questions…)

1.     The commitment for this endeavour is to not shave, groom, snip, tidy or otherwise fetter the growth of hair on the face for the period 1st February 2014 to 14th June 2014.

2.     There shall be a shearing party on Saturday 14th of June, (Bob’s birthday, fact fans!), whereby all participants shall be invited to publicly remove their facial follicular adornment.

3.     WAG’s, partners, passers-by shall be encouraged to perform said shearing, and points will be awarded for style, grace and least amount of blood-letting.

4.     No head starts! It is expected that currently be-grizzled facial hair-sporters will begin with a clean slate; yes, I’m looking at you JPE…;)

5.     Just because your face appears on this blog, there is NO PRESSURE for anyone to take part; if you don’t feel able to/want to/can’t be arsed, feel free to ignore this invitation…


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